Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Let's get real. (pun intended)

One of my favorite past-times is people-watching. Upon being at the Marriott Library yesterday, I began to ponder on what it means to be 'real.' Many individuals passed with very apparent fake hair/extensions, fake hair-color, fake tans, fake eyelashes, fake nails,  fake breasts, & the list goes on. What do these girls REALLY look like? Are their innards as fake as their outward appearance? 

There is little worse than being in-class, sitting behind a girl with nappy clip-in extensions. If you're going to wear them, please get a second opinion prior to leaving your house. Often times, the color of the extensions doesn't even match their natural hair whatsoever. For the love of heaven above... please, again, get a second opinion. 

Many women, and men, dye their hair (including me). It allows for uniqueness, complementary tones, and can simply be fun. There is a fine line between highlights & one-inch streaks of blonde annihilating your head. Let's continue...

Again, many women, and men go tanning. It can be very relaxing, clear up breakouts, and help with depression by getting necessary Vitamin D. For you spray tanners, PLEASE choose Palm Beach. You will no longer look like you rolled in a pile of Doritos, and will likely have people paying attention to you for the right reasons..

Fake eyelashes are fantastic. Ahem, but... if yours have mascara caked onto them, glue fixating the edges, or are covered in glitter (due to your eyeshadow), please remove them. Fake eyelashes are not supposed to make you look like a drag queen. 

Fake nails... who cares? We've all had 'em at some point.

Fake breasts should look natural. If you are a size zero with double D's, we've got a problem. If you're looking to be a porn star, that's A-OK with me, but please hide your breasts while you're not in the act. Women are looking at you; and not because they are jealous. Men are objectifying you. So please, cover up. 

We're all guilty of these things we see as 'luxury services.' I think that if we genuinely sat down and realized what our image contained, we would probably modify a few of our obsessions. If you're plastered with makeup, hit up the NARS or Bare Minerals counter in Nordstrom. They have professionals eagerly waiting to assist you.

Beauty should be inward-out, not vice versa. 

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