Monday, August 13, 2012

I cannot make myself understood.

You can’t know what nobody has told you. I think it’s time that I did.

Sometimes the so-called ‘preparations’ aren’t enough. You’ve tightly locked the doors and windows. You’ve done everything asked of you, and faithfully so. You’ve even exercised to induce a sense of dopamine calm. You’ve worked starting at the same time and for the same length every day. You’ve interacted with human beings at least a few times this week. You’ve started sleeping during a normal time frame. But sometimes the system fails.

Failure may stalk you, unpleasant and unshaven. It’s a rotten guest. You can tell it to leave until you’re blue in the face, covered in tears. Eventually you give up and slide back into bed and shut the door. It’s settled in to stay. Immediately, it’s all demands, refusing to let you out of the house. The phone stops ringing. It’s just you and, what seems to be, an endless trial.

When God wants to punish us, he grants us our sins. I try to get better every day. I need to reenter the world; and run back into my life full of hope. I want to say that I’m ready to be myself again, a daughter, a friend, and a girlfriend, someone who is strong enough to let others lean on me. I want to listen. I want to give. I want warmth and heat and light.  It’s gone. I was gone too long. They’ve let me go. All that remains is this overwhelming, nearly tactile cloud of resentment. I required too much and have nearly nothing left.

I spend the nights sitting in my room, trying to think how I could do it alone. For the past few months, that’s what I’ve aimed to do. I can’t stand it here, so I’m leaving. It’s time to become horribly dependent on Him; on God. I plead for help. I promise to behave. I’m on my knees before you, so please… don’t laugh like the rest of them.

I’ve become a product of my own mind, a pastiche of memory, dream, fear, desire. All I have is today, this moment, to work with. I’m starting a new story. I’m inventing myself one experience at a time. I can choose who I become. I can write my future. I can create a person; write a story, full of faith. While there are days when I wish to God I could trade brains with someone else, just for a minute, just long enough to get some peace, I wouldn’t exchange the life of my mind for the life of another.

I am who I am. I relish my life. I will not throw it away. So what if it isn’t ‘normal?’ It’s the one I have. It’s difficult, beautiful, painful, and full of laughter, passing strange. Whatever else it is, whatever it brings—it’s mine.

I’ve got this gut feeling that a flash flood of love is going to be sent my way. I will be taken to unimaginable heights, but not until I’ve healed. I need to be free from dreams of yesterday. Soon—it’ll only be me and him. Waiting only makes me love him more.  From the start, he will be strong enough to latch on to me, bear the weight and lift me, induce buoyancy. We will float in a brilliant, blue sky; above the reach of personal demons.

Until we meet.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Those sentimental things...

As of recent, I have not felt the way that I should. I am looking forward to making notable changes in my life and in others lives as well. I took some time to reflect on some of the things I enjoy. Making this list was therapeutic, in and of itself. I am guilty of overlooking many of these things.There is so much good in the world. Here are some of the things I love and need to do. You should do them too. 

  1. Fall in love.
  2. Look outside at the mountains, trees, and flowers. Enjoy the scenery.
  3. Everybody loves to look attractive. Putting on that pretty dress and heels will have you feeling better in no time.
  4. Take a few deep breaths. You are likely to feel some sense of relief.
  5. Compliment yourself. Don’t look at what is “wrong with you.” Look at what you’re doing that is RIGHT!
  6. Set goals and complete them. A sense of achievement will make you feel worthwhile.
  7. Go outside, inhale the fresh air, feel the sun, rain, snow, or breeze that touches your skin.
  8. Criticize someone.
  9. Laugh so hard it hurts.
  10. Laugh at your problems. Everybody else does.
  11. Take a hot shower, shave, and get into clean sheets.
  12. Be with animals. If you don’t have one, go to The Humane Society and play with them as long as you like.
  13. Save someone’s life.
  14. Let them save yours.
  15. Be open with someone, and have a frank conversation.
  16. Allow yourself to be helped.
  17. Pay it forward. If you find yourself serving others, love will find its way to your soul.
  18. Think about your ‘problems.’ What can you do to fix them? Do it.
  19. Wear comfortable clothes, watch a movie, and relax.
  20. Be grateful.
  21. Be with friends. Surround yourself with people who share your values. Positive influences are the only influence.
  22. Whistle, sing, or hum your favorite song.
  23. Be with your family—family is of utmost importance. No matter how you may feel, your family DOES love you. You should love them too.
  24. Put makeup on and fix your hair. (Boys, you can feel free to do this one too if you wish!)
  25. Create an idea that nobody has ever created.
  26. Take time to sit and think.
  27. Notice the good things that happen to your family and your friends. Be happy for them.
  28. Talk about philosophy or religion.
  29. Lie on the grass and watch the sky, the clouds, or a storm.
  30. Have friends over for dinner.
  31. Listen to music. Let it move you.
  32. Write someone a letter.
  33. Help a homeless person. Don’t assume that they will spend the money in an unwise manner. Buy them lunch if you can. Give them water. Smile.
  34. Look up jokes online. Most of them will be so corny that all you can do is laugh.
  35. Talk with your family. Get to know them. You are glued to them forever. Genetics don’t lie, baby.
  36. Treat yourself to a good meal.
  37. Improve your health. Go for a run.
  38. Learn to do something new.
  39. Sincerely compliment others.
  40. Daydream.
  41. Make new friends or spend time with old ones.
  42. Have someone play with your hair.
  43. Watch a movie cuddled up on the couch with somebody you love.
  44. Go on a road trip with friends.
  45. Make eye contact with a cute stranger.
  46. Learn how to manage your time wisely.
  47. Tell others that you need them, because whether you know it or not, people need you too.
  48. Put on perfume.
  49. Kiss someone you like.
  50. Reminisce. Talk about good memories.
  51. Get up early in the morning and be productive.
  52. Write in a journal.
  53. Think about other people’s problems. They’re probably going through more than you think.
  54. Brush your teeth.
  55. Watch the sunrise.
  56. Go to the zoo.
  57. Watch TV at night to unwind.
  58. Pray.
  59. Hold hands with someone you care about.
  60. Get out of bed every morning and thank God for another beautiful day.
  61. Argue with someone.
  62. Give and get a foot rub.
  63. Amuse someone.
  64. People-watch.
  65. Watch the expression on someone’s face while they open an incredible present from you.
  66. Talk about one of your hobbies or something that interests you.
  67. Win.
  68. Let somebody else win.
  69. Smile at everyone you pass.
  70. Take pictures.
  71. Make a hot fudge sundae and eat the whole thing!
  72. If you’re a girl, make a boy watch a chick flick with you. Make him pretend to like it.
  73. Sarcasm.
  74. Listen to Frank Sinatra.
  75. Realize that life is the greatest gift of all.
  76. Go to a sports event.
  77. Envelop yourself in towels right out of the dryer.
  78. Go for a hike.
  79. Travel the world.
  80. Read a book.
  81. Buy a coloring book and pretend to be a kid again.
  82. Snack on something.
  83. Stay up late.
  84. Teach someone something.
  85. Look at the stars and the moon.
  86. Give somebody a massage.
  87. Flirt with someone.
  88. Hug your friends and family. Tell them you love them.
  89. Be part of something BIG.
  90. Be positive. Find something to look forward to.
  91. Crash a wedding.
  92. Read the newspaper.
  93. Dance.
  94. Go to a play or a musical.
  95. Put on the ugliest clothes you can find and go somewhere public. Act as if you’re 100% serious.
  96. Drink lots of water.
  97. Read a beautiful poem.
  98. Play with children.
  99. Imagine a life of your own someday with children.
  100. Make a list.